Call for candidates: Erasmus Mundus Programme Representatives 2014
Seize the opportunity to represent your Erasmus Mundus course!

Would you like to become an active part of the EMA global network? Feel like being the voice for your Erasmus Mundus programme by undertaking a range of activities, both formal and informal? Would you like to provide a valuable link between your programme, academic staff, and the European Commission and contribute to quality assurance and programme enhancement processes? Would you also like to make friends from all over the world while promoting Erasmus Mundus?


If your answer is YES and you are keen to contribute - then apply to become an Erasmus Mundus Programme Representative for 2014!

What do Programme Representatives do?

The primary duty of a Programme Representative is to effectively collect and communicate to EMA the views of the students and alumni they represent. Additionally, they contribute to Erasmus Mundus and EMA promotion and quality assurance initiatives. Programme representatives are also automatically part of the Programme Representative Network (PRNet) *.

Representatives of Erasmus Mundus programmes may be invited as delegates to EMA’s General Assembly, together with the Steering Committee and other active members of the EMA (see Statute).

The position is of voluntary nature and does not come with a salary; an EMA delegate’s travel and accommodation costs associated with EMA activities, however, may be reimbursed according to the set reimbursement procedure.

How to become a candidate:

Programme Representatives are elected based on online elections every year by the group of students and alumni from their respective programme.

  • Make sure that you are a member of EMA. **
  • Make sure your EMA profile is updated, including a profile picture to date. If your profile is not up to date, you may be disqualified from the election. 
  • Log into the EMA Community and register yourself as a candidate for Programme Representative.
  • Decribe your motivation by filling in a short form.
  • The deadline for applications: 25 November 2013.
  Call for candidates is open for:  


  • Members of EMA: students or graduates of Erasmus Mundus Master and PhD programmes (Action 1). If you are a student or graduate of Erasmus Mundus, but not an EMA member yet, all you have to do is register - it is free!**
  • One person can nominate him/herself only to be a representative of the programme he/she studies on or has graduated from.
  • If you are a current Programme Representative, please note that you can only be in the position for two consecutive years as per the EMA statute. If you plan to run for a second year, you must have submitted an activity report to the Course Quality Advisory Board. If you have not submitted this report, you may be disqualified from the election.  
  • If your course already has some system of electing a representative, we kindly ask that person to still nominate him/herself with EMA.


Timeline and next steps:


  • Application deadline for Candidates (there will be no exceptions): 25 November 2013 (3:00PM CET).
  • Online elections of the Programme Representatives: 29 November 2013 (3:00PM CET) - 12 December 2013 (3:00PM CET).
  • New EMA Membership applications that are submitted after Sunday 8 December 2013 (11:30PM CET) will not have the opportunity to cast their votes and will not be taken into account until end of this election**
  • Announcement of the results, confirmation and finalisation of the list of elected Programme Representatives will be posted by 13 December 2013
  • Compulsory Programme Representative orientation webinar: Early January 2014

** All new EMA membership registrations require 3-5 business days to be processed. To avoid delays, please have a scanned copy of your admission letter ready should this be required by the EMA service provider to validate your Erasmus Mundus study status. Please keep this in mind when you submit your application.

For more detailed information, check here.

It is very important that, before you proceed to the election, you read the Statute and the Code of Conduct!



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