Join the Erasmus Mundus promotion events in UK and Uzbekistan, 8-14 November 2013
The events will combine the promotion of Action 1 programmes with education fairs, where partnerships under Action 2 will be recruiting Uzbek students.

14th November, EM alumni are invited to a discussion of their experiences and exchange of ideas on how the alumni network can be created and supported and how it can bring positive change to Uzbekistan's education, business and industry.
The round table on 14 November, is scheduled to take place from 10am to 1pm at Westminster University. It will be moderated by Anna Korepanova. Alumni from all regions of Uzbekistan are encouraged to participate.

Besides, Anna will be doing presentations on Erasmus Mundus and the coming change to  Erasmus +  according to the following schedule:

8 November at 12.00 – Samarkand State University

9 November at 14.00 – Bukhara Engineering Technical Institute

12 November at 9.30 – National University of Uzbekistan (Tashkent)

12 November at 14.30 – Tashkent State Economy University

13 November at 10.00 – Tashkent Financial University

13 November at 14.00 – International Westminster University (Tashkent)

Presentations in Nukus, Fergana and Andijan are to be confirmed. For further  details please don't hesitate to contact Anna.



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